Friday, February 09, 2007

Qur'an and the Bible

Contrast the first statement by Reza Aslan, a Muslim theologian, to the second statement by Geerhardus Vos, a Christian theologian.

1. "The Quran is considered to be direct revelation, the actual words of God handed down through Muhammad, who was little more than a passive conduit. In purely literary terms, the Quran is God’s dramatic monologue. It does not recount God’s communion with humanity; it is God’s communion with humanity…"

2. "Because God desires to be known after this (covenantal) fashion, He has caused His revelation to take place in the milieu of the historical life of a people. The circle of revelation is not a school, but a covenant. To speak of revelation as an 'education' of humanity is a rationalistic and utterly unscriptural way of speaking. All that God has disclosed of Himself has come in response to the practical religious needs of His people as these emerged in the course of (the Bible) has not completed itself in one exhaustive act, but unfolded itself in a long series of successive acts."

1 comment:

IslamExposed said...

What are we supposed to believe about the Holy Bible? Is it still the same? Do we believe

everything in it? What does Quran say about the Bible?