Monday, October 15, 2007

College slogans

I'm back...but I can't promise to be consistent. I know this is necessary for truly worthwhile blogs, but time is "more than money" as Switchfoot says.

Anyhow, for fun and also for academic purposes I've compiled a list of Christian college slogans. You might ask what the purpose of such a collection is. I think at the very least they show that colleges, just like any business corporation, have to encapsulate their "image" in a statement that reveals something about itself. Also in many ways these slogans portray the "vocational shift" that higher education in general is taking. Here they are: what do you think?

His World. Your Calling.

No Greater Task: hearts and minds renewing God’s world.

Find your place in God’s world.

Catch the Spirit.

The Opportunity Place--God's Special Place for You

Firmly grounded, fully engaged.

Momentum for Life.

Engaging the culture, changing the world.

A Matter of Mind and Spirit.

A Global Center for Christian Thought and Spiritual Renewal.

For Christ and Scripture.

Challenge your your faith.

For Christ and for liberty.

A Better Paradigm. A Higher Education.