Monday, October 15, 2007

College slogans

I'm back...but I can't promise to be consistent. I know this is necessary for truly worthwhile blogs, but time is "more than money" as Switchfoot says.

Anyhow, for fun and also for academic purposes I've compiled a list of Christian college slogans. You might ask what the purpose of such a collection is. I think at the very least they show that colleges, just like any business corporation, have to encapsulate their "image" in a statement that reveals something about itself. Also in many ways these slogans portray the "vocational shift" that higher education in general is taking. Here they are: what do you think?

His World. Your Calling.

No Greater Task: hearts and minds renewing God’s world.

Find your place in God’s world.

Catch the Spirit.

The Opportunity Place--God's Special Place for You

Firmly grounded, fully engaged.

Momentum for Life.

Engaging the culture, changing the world.

A Matter of Mind and Spirit.

A Global Center for Christian Thought and Spiritual Renewal.

For Christ and Scripture.

Challenge your your faith.

For Christ and for liberty.

A Better Paradigm. A Higher Education.


Peter G said...

Yo homes, you left one out! What the blatant lack of respect!

Ben said...

What really sticks out to me is the extent to which Christian colleges seem to have adopted the neo-Calvinist idea of "redeeming the culture."

As a former professor of mine once said, "Why would I want to redeem the earth? Isn't God going to destroy it anyways?"